Posts in Body Image
What *is* a "Healthy Weight?"

You hear it all the time in healthcare settings: “You’re over the ‘normal’ BMI range. You need to lose weight to be healthy.” There’s the breakroom talk at work: “I’ve started a new diet so I can *finally* be at a healthy weight.” Subtle and not-so-subtle messaging insinuates that people in smaller bodies seem to have it all: health, wealth, acceptance, and happiness. BUT what is a “healthy weight” and how can we get there?

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How do you "eat an elephant", enjoy a burger, and achieve a healthy lifestyle?

March is National Nutrition Month. I wrote an article last year for Good Health magazine to support the 2015 theme: “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle.” I thought I would repost the article here although this year’s theme is “Savor the flavor of eating right.”

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Food Trends and FNCE Highlights: Conference Recap